• F

    Good morning
    working on prime numbers I discovered that to factorize a number resulting from the multiplication of two prime numbers we can make the task easier by looking in a closer number for the number to factorize
    example if we want to factorize the numbers 2305057
    it is close to him the number 2301923 by deducting 2305057-2301923 this gives us 3134
    dividing it by 2 the result is 1567
    1567 is one of the prime numbers the other is 1471
    here is another
    the 4159751 by looking for the closest we found the 4163917
    deducing gives us 4166 divided by 2 = 2083
    the factorization is done 20831999=4163917
    I developed this method by following the path of the multiplication and I found that there is a number with a number in common
    as here the number 2083 exists among the two numbers 2083
    you can give me a number which is the product of 2 prime numbers and which is 8 or 9 or 10 digits I give you the decomposition
    by using this method which is easier than the others

    choose or search number-NEAR- THIS DONE with a formula in can say algoritme